Detail view of  front page of "Dagon" newspaper with terrified man peeking over the top.

Dagon Newspaper

$ 9.50

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A World in Upheaval

In our episode of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre - Dagon: War of Worlds, some newsworthy incidents take place. We thought it would be fun to imagine how the newspapers of the day might have covered the terrifying events taking place worldwide. All DART episodes come with a prop newspaper clipping, but for this special episode we decided to do an entire newspaper. So, we've created an edition of the San Francisco Call Bulletin (an actual San Francisco newspaper of the day) which chronicles the events which take place in the episode!

The newspaper matches the broadsheet size of 1930s newspapers, which, at 35 inches wide and 22.75 inches high, were substantially larger than the papers of today. This eight-page special edition features 28 stories, and about 672 column inches of breaking news, with photos, maps, diagrams, advertisements and much more. It's actually printed by an actual newspaper press and is made with the kind of crazed verisimilitude that you've come to expect from the HPLHS.

SPOILERS GALORE - It's our feeling that this prop is best enjoyed immediately after listening to our radio play. Of course you can simply enjoy the newspaper in its own right whenever you like, reading for yourself what the news media might have done with a global attack by the forces of the Cthulhu Mythos in 1935. We can tell you that all of the plot events which happen in the radio play are reported in detail, plus there are additional articles providing news of events which unfolded in Stockholm, Barcelona, Brisbane, Mobile and beyond. In order not to spoil some of the plot points of the show, we have redacted some of the headlines in the photos on this listing. Once Dagon: War of Worlds has been out for a few weeks, we will remove the black bars....

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Jeremy L
A fun extra for the DART Dagon radio drama.

Pardon the long title. I bought this with the DART Dagon radio drama. It adds a cool and fun depth to story. It does have a lot of spoilers in it so it really should be read with the episode.

A lot better than a real newspaper, and more believable!

Excellent, just excellent. What a great read, with adverts of the era and written as it would have been. This is the sort of thing that you want to be reading on the Tube in London, just for fun. Well done HPLHS. More newspapers please.


This is pretty much an essential extra if you also have the DART audio production “Dagon: War of Worlds”, as then it adds a whole extra level of immersion to that radio show, way beyond even what the props that come with the CD version of the show provide. There’s fresh detail, maps and images here, including discussion of events elsewhere in the world not covered by the radio broadcasts, which make it simply a delight. Even without the DART version, this prop alone could be used to generate story ideas and plotlines for Lovecraftian role-playing games, or as an unusually-presented short story in its own right, as there’s so much information here. If the HPLHS’ twin “Dagon” products leave you wanting still more, beyond Lovecraft’s own tales, plenty of other authors have been inspired by Innsmouth’s shadows over the years into modernity, such as the anthology trilogy “Shadows Over Innsmouth” (1994), “Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth” (2013) and “Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth” (2013), edited by Stephen Jones, while there are some fascinating parallels with the radio scriptwriter’s narrative that is John Wyndham’s 1953 novel “The Kraken Wakes” too. The Dagon Newspaper alone though is magnificent!

neat little product

As others have stated this is a nifty little prop you might wish to add to games being played. i think there are a number of viable ways to integrate it into whatever game world you are enjoying, well worth the purchase price

Great Job!

Not much say other than to agree with everybody's assessment of what an outstanding job was done creating this newspaper. I ordered this along with the CD, it's not really necessary but it just adds to the fun of the whole thing. It's also fun just to be sitting in public reading this... try it and you shall see.